Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum

Tuesday July 5th at 8:30 pm
Jóna, María Sól, Þóra and Eggert
Was it a Dream?
Jóna G. Kolbrúnar­dóttir sopr­ano, Egg­ert Reg­inn Kjart­ans­son tenor, María Sól Ingólfsdóttir sopr­ano and Þóra Kristín Gunnars­dótt­ir piano.
With song cycles by Dvoř­ák, Sibelius and Beethoven, the audience is invited to immerse them­selves in the multi­faceted com­plexity of love as en­vision­ed by three master com­posers from dif­ferent cult­ures. Písně Mil­ostné (Love Songs) op. 83 by Anton­ín Dvoř­ák, Five Songs, op. 37 by Jean Sib­eli­us and To the distant Be­loved, op. 98 by Lud­wig van Beet­hoven.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Tuesday July 12th at 8:30 pm
Kristina and Ásta
Storm Duo
Ásta Soffía Þorgeirs­dótt­ir and Kristina Far­stad Bjør­dal accordion duo.
Program with Nor­weg­ian and Ice­land­ic dance and folk tunes lead­ing to Baroque works such as move­ments from the Gold­berg Vari­at­ions by J.S. Bach. Also works from 20th cent­ury when the ac­cord­ion was at its peak of its popul­ar­ity. The final piece of the con­cert will be a beauti­ful Ice­land­ic tango, which per­form­ers con­sid­er to be an uniq­uely prec­ious ex­ample of 20th cent­ury Ice­land­ic music heri­tage.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Tuesday July 19th at 8:30 pm
Steiney and Vera
Summer Music with Duo Edda
Vera Panitch violin and Steiney Sigurðardóttir cello.
Eight Duets for Violin and Cello op. 39 by Rein­hold Gli­ère, Son­ata for Viol­in and Cello by Maur­ice Rav­el and Jo­han Halvor­sen's Passa­caglia in G minor on a Theme by Georg Friede­rich Händel.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Saturday July 23rd and Sunday 24th
at 8:30 pm

Erwin Schulhoff
Schulhoff Festival
Two concerts with works by the late, and much forgotten, Czech composer Erwin Schulhoff with introduction by Dr. Alexander Liebermann. Performers: Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir violin, Slava Poprugin piano, Adrien Liebermann saxophone, Martin Frewer viola and Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir cello.
By Schulhoff: Sonata for Violin and Piano op. 7 (WV 24), Sonata for Violin and Piano (WV 91), Hot Sonata (WV 95) for saxophone and piano and Fünf Pittoresken für Klavier (WV 51). By Alexander Liebermann: Coming to Light (Snót) for solo violin and string trio Seen from the Sky.
ProgramPress release
Tuesday July 26th at 8:30 pm
Bryndís, Pamela and Guð­ríð­ur
Sunny Bird-Song
Bryndís Guðjónsdóttir soprano, Pamela De Sensi flute and Guðríður St. Sigurðardóttir piano.
Passion­ate Ital­ian and Span­ish songs per­form­ed aga­inst deli­cate rom­an­tic French music. Com­po­sitions from the late 19th and early 20th century.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Tuesday August 2nd at 8:30 pm
Kristín, Hekla, Anna og Hjört­ur
Journey through the Wonders of the Flute
Kristín Ýr Jónsdóttir flute, Hekla Finns­dótt­ir violin, Anna Elísabet Sigurðar­dótt­ir viola and Hjörtur Páll Eggerts­son cello.
Flute Quartett no. 1 in D major K. 285 by W.A. Mozart, Thren­ody I and II (in memoriam of Igor Strav­­insky and Bea­trice Cunning­ham) by Aar­on Cop­land, Asso­bio a Játo (The Jet Whistle) by Heitor Villa-Lobos and String Quart­et no. 12 in F major „Amer­ican“ by Anton­ín Dvoř­ák, ar­rang­ed for flute quartet.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Tuesday August 9th at 8:30 pm
Diddú and the Boys
Diddú and the Boys
Sigrún Hjálmtýsdóttir soprano, Sigurður Snorrason and Kjartan Óskarsson clar­inets, Joseph Ognibene and Þor­kell Jóels­son horn, Brjánn Ingason and Snorri Heimisson bassoon.
Wind Sex­tetts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Sali­eri and arias ar­rang­ed for sopr­ano and winds. Also Ice­land­ic songs, by Atli Heim­ir Sveinsson.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
Sunday August 14th at 8:30 pm
Gréta, Diljá, Sigríður and Vig­dís
Spúttnik String Quartet and luthier Jón Marinó.
Sigríður Bjarney Baldvins­dóttir and Diljá Sigur­sveins­dótt­ir violins, Vig­dís Más­dótt­ir viola and Gréta Rún Snorra­dótt­ir cello.
String Quart­et no. 2 in D major by Alexander Borodin, Intermezzo for String Trio by Zoltán Kódaly and Nearer, My God, to Thee by Lowell Mason. Performed on instruments by violin maker Jón Marinó Jónsson, who will give an introduction to his work. The wood he used came from the wreck of the sailing ship Jamestown, which stranded at Reykjanes peninsula in 1881.
Program in IcelandicPress release (Icel/Engl)
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