Fréttatilkynning frá Listasafni Sigurjóns
Ólafssonar (English below) Ábyrgđarmađur: |
![]() Sumartónleika- bćklingur 2012 |
Listasafn Sigurjóns |
![]() Hanna, Guđrún og Halla Steinunn |
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ljósmynd. Hér má ná í pdf útgáfu af efnisskrá tónleikanna Nánari upplýsingar um tónleikana veitir Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir í síma 821 3930 eđa HallaSteinunn(hjá) |
Kammerhópurinn Nordic Affect var stofnađur áriđ 2005 međ ţađ ađ markmiđi ađ miđla ríkidćmi tónlistar 17.og 18.aldar og flytja samtímatónlist. Međlimir hópsins eiga allir ađ baki nám í sagnfrćđilegum hljóđfćraleik og koma reglulega fram víđa um Evrópu. Ţađ ađ skođa ţekktar stćrđir út frá nýjum hliđum og halda á ókönnuđ miđ einkennir starf ţeirra en Nordic Affect hefur međ tónleikum sínum á Íslandi og víđs vegar um Evrópu flutt allt frá danstónlist 17.aldar til hinnar spennandi raftónsköpunar nútímans og hlotiđ fyrir afbragđs dóma. NoA hefur m.a. hljóđritađ fyrir Ríkisútvarpiđ og Samband Evrópskra Útvarpsstöđva. Fyrsti geisladiskurinn međ leik ţeirra; Apocrypha eftir Huga Guđmundsson var tilnefndur til Íslensku Tónlistarverđlaunanna og hlaut Kraumsverđlaunin 2008. Leik ţeirra er jafnframt ađ finna á Hymnodia Sacra, geisladisk kammerkórsins Carmina sem hlaut Íslensku tónlistarverđlaunin á síđasta ári og ţann 1. janúar kom út á heimsvísu nýr geisladiskur NoA međ verkum eftir Abel á vegum hollenska útgáfufyrirtćkisins Brilliant Classics. Hópurinn er styrktur af Reykjavíkurborg, Tónlistarsjóđi menntamálaráđuneytisins og Menningarsjóđi Hlađvarpans
Listrćnn stjórnandi hópsins er Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir.
Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir nam fiđluleik viđ Tónlistarskólann í Reykjavík og Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium ţađan sem hún útskrifađist 2001. Sama ár hlaut hún Fulbright styrk og hélt til náms á barokkfiđlu viđ Indiana University - School of Music í Bloomington undir leiđsögn Stanley Ritchie og útskrifađist ţađan međ P.D. gráđu áriđ 2004.
Halla Steinunn hefur komiđ fram á tónleikum og tónlistarhátíđum í Evrópu og Bandaríkjunum og hefur lagt ríka áherslu á ađ panta og frumflytja nýjar tónsmíđar. Hún hefur hljóđritađ fyrir Ríkisútvarpiđ og Samband Evrópskra Útvarpsstöđva og leik hennar er ađ finna á geisladiskum frá Smekkleysu, musmap og Brilliant Classics. Halla hefur haldiđ fyrirlestra bćđi erlendis og hér heima, kennt hljóđfćrabókmenntir viđ Listaháskólann og hún stjórnar ţćttinum Girni, grúsk og gloríur á RÚV - Rás 1. Hún hlaut starfslaun listamanna 2009 og 2011 og mun á nćstu mánuđum hljóđrita geisladisk međ verkum eftir íslensk kventónskáld.
Guđrún Hrund Harđardóttir lćrđi á fiđlu og víólu viđ Tónlistarskólann í Reykjavík og hélt til framhaldsnáms í víóluleik viđ Tónlistarháskólann í Köln hjá Matthias Buchholz prófessor og lauk ţađan Diplom-prófi áriđ 2000. Haustiđ 2006 útskrifađist hún úr barokkdeild Koninklijk Conservatorium í Haag ţar sem Elizabeth Wallfisch og Kati Debretzeni voru ađalkennarar hennar. Guđrún er einn af stofnendum Alţjóđlegu barokksveitarinnar í Haag og hefur einnig leikiđ međ ýmsum öđrum barokksveitum í Evrópu, svo sem New Dutch Academy, Collegium Musicum Den Haag og Anima eterna Brugge. Hún leikur međ Bachsveitinni í Skálholti og Kammersveit Reykjavíkur og er víóluleikari salonhljómsveitarinnar L'amour fou og strengjakvartettsins HUGO.
Í ársbyrjun 2010 flutti Guđrún Hrund heim til Íslands og réđst sem víóluleikari ađ Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands. Ţá tók hún einnig viđ stöđu listrćns stjórnanda Kammersveitar Reykjavíkur.
Eftir nám viđ Tónlistarskólann í Reykjavík stundađi Hanna Loftsdóttir sellónám viđ Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium hjá Morten Zeuthen prófessor og hélt síđan til Hollands ţar sem hún nam hjá Jaap ter Linden í barokkselló- og gömbuleik viđ barokkdeild Koninklijk Conservatorium í Haag.
Hanna býr í Kaupmannahöfn og starfar sem barokkselló- og gömbuleikari og kemur reglulega fram međ virtum barokkhópum, t.d. Concerto Copenhagen, The New Dutch Academy, Ensemble 1700, Camerata Řresund og Bachsveitinni í Skálholti. Hanna hefur komiđ fram á ţekktum tónlistarhátíđum svo sem Utrecht Early Music Festival og Händel Festspiele í Halle í Ţýskalandi og leikiđ á vegum danska ríkisútvarpsins, ţýska útvarpsins Hessischen Rundfunk og Sambands Evrópskra Útvarpsstöđva. Hún hefur leikiđ inn á geisladiska međ New Dutch Academy og Nordic Affect, sem hlotiđ hafa lofsamlega dóma.
Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Reykjavík |
![]() Hanna, Guđrún and Halla Steinunn |
A PDF version of the
program Further informations gives Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir Tel 354 821 3930 or HallaSteinunn(at) |
The chamber ensemble Nordic Affect was formed in 2005 to promote music of the 17th and 18th centuries and the performance of contemporary music. Each of the musicians in the group is a specialist in historical performance having studied both in Europe and the USA. Members of Nordic Affect perform as soloist and chamber musicians throughout Europe as well as being active orchestral musicians with various well-known period instrument ensembles. Since its debut in 2005 at the Skálholt Summer Concerts the group has performed widely in Iceland and on the Continent.
Their performances have been received with great critical acclaim and the group has been praised for their energetic and stylistic bravura. Nordic Affect has performed for the Icelandic Broadcasting Service and the European Broadcasting Service. Nordic Affect’s first CD, a recording of a new piece Apocrypha by Hugi Gudmundsson, received The Kraumur Award in 2008 as well as a nomination for an Iceland Music Award. A collaboration with the Carmina chamber choir resulted in a recording with Icelandic early music which received an Icelandic Music Award in 2011. Their latest recording, a CD with works by Carl Friedrich Abel was released by Brilliant Classics at the beginning of this year. The ensemble is supported by Reykjavík City, The Ministry of Culture’s Music Fund and The Women’s Cultural Foundation Hlađvarpinn.
The artistic director of Nordic Affect since its foundation has been Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir.
Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir studied modern violin at the Reykjavík College of Music and the Royal Danish Academy of Music, where she completed her postgraduate degree. After receiving a Fulbright Grant, she moved to the U.S. to specialize in baroque violin performance at Indiana University - School of Music with Prof. Stanley Ritchie. She received her P.D. degree in 2004.
Halla has appeared in concerts and at festivals on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. She has commissioned and premiered various compositions and has recorded for Icelandic and European Broadcasting Services. Her playing is featured on CDs from Bad Taste Records, Musmap, and Brilliant Classics. Her other activities include teaching performance practice at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, giving lectures on music, and producing radio programs. She received Icelandic Artists' Salary in 2009 and 2011, and among upcoming projects is a recording of works by Icelandic female composers.
Guđrún Harđardóttir studied violin and viola at the Reykjavík College of Music, graduating in 1995. She went to Germany to study with Prof. Matthias Buchholz at the Hochschule für Musik Köln receiving her degree in 2000. In 2006 she finished her studies at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Early Music Department, where Elizabeth Wallfisch and Kati Debretzeni were her main teachers.
Guđrún is one of the founders of the Hague International Baroque Orchestra and plays with other early music ensembles in Europe, such as the New Dutch Academy, Collegium Musicum Den Haag and Anima eterna Brugge. On the Icelandic music scene she has been active as a member of the Skálholt Bach Consort, Salon ensemble L'amour fou and the string quartet HUGO. In January 2010 Guđrún returned to Iceland to join the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Currently she is the artistic director of the Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra.
Hanna Loftsdóttir studied the modern cello at the Reykjavík College of Music and later at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. After finishing her post-graduate degree in Copenhagen she moved to The Netherlands to specialize in the performance practice of baroque cello and viola da gamba with Jaap ter Linden and Reiner Zipperling, at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. In June 2007 she finished her degree in historical performance practice. Hanna is based in Copenhagen and freelances as a cello and viola da gamba player, performing regularly with various early music ensembles in Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Iceland, such as Concerto Copenhagen, the New Dutch Academy, Ensemble 1700 and Camerata Řresund.
In recent years, Hanna has performed at the Utrecht Early Music Festival, Händel Festspiele in Halle, Potsdam Barockfestspiele and Copenhagen Renaissance Festival.
fréttatilkynningu lokiđ / end of release