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Sigurjóns Ólafssonar (English below) Ábyrgđarmađur: |
![]() Sumartónleika- bćklingur 2011 |
Listasafn Sigurjóns |
![]() Kathleen og Olivier |
má ná í pdf útgáfu af efnisskrá tónleikanna ţegar hún er tilbúin. Nánari upplýsingar um efnisskrá tónleikanna veitir Kathleen sem hægt er að ná í í síma 551 1967 |
Kathleen Kajioka stundađi fiđlunám viđ konunglega tónlistarháskólann í Toronto og Eastman School of Music í Rochester. Áhugi hennar beindist fljótlega einnig ađ eldri tónlist og lćrđi hún bćđi á barokkfiđlu og lágfiđlu. Hún leikur nú jöfnum höndum eldri sem yngri tónlist, nútímaverk og popptónlist. Hún hefur komiđ fram á fjölda tónleika og hátíđa víđs vegar um Kanada, frá Halifax Jazz Festival í austri til Victoria Chamber Music Festival í vestri, einnig víđa um Bandaríkin og Evrópu. Hún leikur eldri tónlist t.d. međ Tafelmusik, Scaramella og Toronto Masque Theatre og međ semballeikaranum Gabe Shuford í New York. Nútímatónlist leikur hún t.d. međ Soundstreams og Tapestry New Opera í Toronto og í samstarfi viđ Arnold Dreyblatt og Peter Chin. Kathleen hefur einnig mikinn áhuga á fiđluleik Austurlanda nćr og hefur numiđ hann í New York, Toronto og Cairo. Hún stjórnar vikulegum útvarpsţćtti um tónlist á The New Classical 96.3 FM í Toronto.
Kathleen er af íslensku bergi brotin. Fađir hennar, Robert, er af japönskum ćttum og móđir hennar, Sigrún (1938-1991), var dóttir Önnu Jónsdóttur og Torfa Hjartarsonar, fyrrum tollstjóra og sáttasemjara í Reykjavík.
The National Post í Kanada hefur nefnt Kathleen Kajioka eina af hćfileikaríkustu tónlistarmönnum Toronto.
Olivier Fortin útskrifađist međ láđi frá Tónlistarháskólanum í Québec í Kanada áriđ 1995 og tók síđar meistaragráđu frá háskólanum í Montreal undir leiđsögn Réjean Poirer. Hann hlaut styrki til náms hjá Pierre Hantaď í París og Bob van Asperen í Amsterdam. Áriđ 1997 vann hann til verđlauna í Bach samkeppninni í Montreal og á Bruges hátíđinni og ári síđar hlaut hann Capriccio Stravagante verđlaunin.
Hann er eftirsóttur einleikari og hefur ferđast međ fjölmörgum kammerhópum um Norđur-Ameríku, Evrópu og austurlönd fjćr til ađ halda tónleika og leika inn á hljómplötur.
Olivier er stofnandi Masques í Montreal, sem er sveit ungra kanadískra hljóđfćraleika og söngvara sem sérhćfir sig í flutningi tónlistar frá 17. og 18. öld. Á árunum 2004 - 2008 kenndi hann kammertónlist og semballeik í Québec og nú kennir hann viđ Tafelmusik Summer Institute í Toronto.
Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Reykjavík Tuesday evening, 16August at 20:30 Admission ISK 2000 - at the entrance. Credit cards accepted Where is the Museum? |
![]() Kathleen and Olivier |
version of the program - when ready. |
A Hailed as "one of Toronto's most gifted musicians" (The National Post), violinist Kathleen Kajioka has established a reputation as a musical multi-linguist, moving between different worlds of music with agility and uncompromising depth. From Early Music to World, from New Music to Pop, she has appeared in concert series and festivals across Canada: from the east coast's Halifax Jazz Festival to the west coast's Victoria Chamber Music Festival - and internationally in the US and Europe.
After studying modern viola at the Eastman School of Music, Kathleen's keen interest in Early Music led her to period music studies on both Baroque violin and viola. She is a fixture in Toronto's Early Music scene, performing and touring frequently with Tafelmusik, Scaramella and Toronto Masque Theatre. She also plays with the Montreal-based Ensemble Masques. In addition to Early Music, Kathleen is a specialist in Middle Eastern violin after studying in Cairo, NY and Toronto. She brings all of her musical experiences to bear in her role as broadcaster at The New Classical 96.3FM in Toronto, where she is the weekly host of ‘In the Still of the Night'.
Kathleen was born in Toronto. Her father, Robert, is of Japanese descent and her mother, Sigrún (1938-1991) was Icelandic, the daughter of Anna Jónsdóttir and Torfi Hjartarson.
Olivier Fortin graduated with distinction from the Québec Conservatory in 1995 and obtained a Masters Degree from University of Montreal under the direction of Réjean Poirier. He received scholarships for studies in Paris with Pierre Hantaď and in Amsterdam with Bob van Asperen. In 1997 he was awarded top prizes at the Montreal Bach Competition and the Bruges Festival, and received the Capriccio Stravagante Prize in 1998.
He is in demand as a soloist and chamber musician, touring and recording throughout Europe, China and South Korea, the United States and Canada.
Olivier Fortin is the founder and director of the Montreal-based Ensemble Masques. Since 1998, the ensemble has become a strategic meeting point for young Canadian musicians. From 2004 - 2008 he taught harpsichord and chamber music at the Conservatoire de Musique de Québec, and he currently teaches at the Tafelmusik Summer Institute in Toronto.