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Listasafn Sigurjóns
ţriđjudaginn 13. júlí kl. 20:30
Ragnheiđur Árnadóttir sópran og Peter Nilsson píanóleikari
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Ţriđjudagstónleikar í Listasafni Sigurjóns Ólafssonar
Ţriđjudagskvöldiđ 13. júní mun Ragnheiđur Árnadóttir sópransöngkona syngja verk eftir Purcell, Mozart, Argento og sćnsku tónskáldin Stenhammar og Peterson-Berger viđ undirleik Peters Nilsson píanóleikara.

Ragnheiđur Árnadóttir lauk áttunda stigs prófi frá Tónlistarskólanum í Reykjavík 1996 undir handleiđslu Sieglinde Kahmann. Hún hóf nám í Hollandi 1998 og lauk kennaraprófi og BA prófi í söng frá Konunglega Tónlistarháskólanum í Haag 2002 og vinnur nú ađ Meistaragráđu frá sama skóla. Ţar hafa kennarar hennar veriđ Barbara Pearson, Lenie Van den Heuvel, Wout Oosterkamp og Peter Nilsson. Einnig hefur hún sótt masterklassa hjá Diane Forlano, Jill Felman, Michael Chance og einkatíma hjá Sigríđi Ellu Magnúsdóttur.
    Ragnheiđur hefur haldiđ tónleika í Hollandi og á Íslandi, međal annars flutt kirkju-, ljóđa- og nútímatónlist. Tónlistarunnendur muna ljóđatónleika hennar og Peters Nilsson í Sigurjónssafni sumariđ 2002.

Peter Nilsson er fćddur í Chicago og nam viđ The University of Illinois. Ţar lćrđi hann annars vegar međleik hjá John Wustman, og hins vegar söng hjá Dodi Protero og Mark Elyn.
    Eftir nám sitt ţar starfađi Peter sem undirleikari hjá The Illinois Opera Center og Bowen Park Opera. Síđar gekk hann til liđs viđ The Lyric Opera Center For Young American Artists og The Chicago Symphony Chorus þar sem hann starfađi undir handleiđslu Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulez, James Conlon, James Levine, Leonard Slatkin og Sir Georg Solti.
    Peter býr í Hollandi og er ráđinn viđ De Nieuwe Opera Akademie í Haag og Amsterdam og tekur reglulega ţátt í verkefnum á vegum De Nederlands Opera, De Nationale Reisopera og Het Groot Omroepkoor. Einnig tekur hann ţátt í masterklössum međ Barböru Pearson sem haldnir eru undir nafni Dame Joan Sutherland og Richard Bonynge viđ Britten-Pears skólann í Aldeburgh í Bretlandi.
    Peter kemur reglulega fram sem međleikari innan og utan Hollands og er fastráđinn söngţjálfari fyrir Charlotte Margiono.

Next Tuesday, July 13th, Heiđa Árnadóttir, and Peter Nilsson, piano will give a concert in Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum Reykjavik. Árnadóttir will sing works by H. PurcellW.A. Mozart, Elisabethian songs by D. Argento and works by the Swedish composers Stenhammar and Peterson-Berger. 

Heiđa (Ragnheiđur) Árnadóttir finished 8th grade in singing at the Reykjavík Music Conservatory. She furthered her studies in the Netherlands 1988 and finished her Bachelor of Arts degree at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague, under the supervision of Barbara Pearson, Lenie van den Heuvel and Peter Nilsson. She has attended Master classes with Diane Forlano and Jill Feldman and private classes with Sigríđur Ella Magnúsdóttir.
    Heiđa has performed concerts in the Netherlands as well as Iceland, amongst them in the Ólafsson Museum Summer Concerts 2002. Heiđa is now doing her Masters degree at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague with a specialization in oratoria and chamber music.

Born in Chicago, Peter Nilsson attended the University of Illinois, where he studied accompanying under John Wustman and voice under Dodi Protero and Mark Elyn. Peter Nilsson began as repetitor with the Illinois Opera Center and Bowen Park Opera, and later worked at the Lyric Opera Center for Young American Artists and as accompanist for the Chicago Symphony Chorus, where he worked under Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulez, James Conlon, James Levine, Leonard Slatkin and Sir Georg Solti.
    In 1992 Peter Nilsson moved to the Netherlands Holland, where he coaches for the Nieuwe Opera Akademie and is a regular guest with the Broadcast Choir and the Dutch Opera. Peter Nilsson is also active as accompanist for vocal masterclasses, having participated in classes from, among others, Roberta Alexander, Elly Ameling, Diane Forlano, Hartmut Haenchen, Jard van Nes, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Charlotte Margiono, Nelly Miricioiu, Barbara Pearson, and Dame Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge. In Chicago he appeared frequently in the Dame Myra Hess Recital series, and has appeared subsequently in Great Britain (including St. John's Smith Square, London), Belgium, Germany, and very frequently in the Netherlands, where he performs regularly with Charlotte Margiono. He was the pianist in Opera C&F's highly-praised production of Janacek's Diary of one who vanished.