Earlier Summer Concerts:

  ≤1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
  1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
  2018 2019 2022 2023            

Other concerts and events by the Museum:
  2018 − fall
  2022 − winter/spring
  2022 − fall
  2023 − winter/spring
  2023 − fall
  2024 − winter/spring

Laugarnes Fair. June 25th 2022 (in Icelandic)
Art in Public Space − Responsibility and Maintenance. A Symposeum on public art in Denmark and Iceland during the interwar period. November 19th 2022.
From two dimensions to three dimensions.
Art lab for children at age 7-12 in August 2023

Summ­er con­certs have been held in the Sigur­jón Ólafs­son Mus­eum since its open­ing in 1988, in the first years not regu­lar­ly, but al­ways on Tues­day even­ings, refer­red to as ‘Tues­day con­certs’. How­ever, it soon took its cur­rent form and name − weekly con­certs dur­ing July and into August. Be­low is a list of all the series in­cluding con­cert pro­grams. Con­certs by indi­vidu­als who have rent­ed the hall are not list­ed here. No Summer Con­cert Ser­ies were in 2020 and 2021 due to the epi­demic.
    In 2022, the museum start­ed to run cult­ural events; e.g. con­certs, hist­oric­al pre­sent­at­ions, rep­lay­ing old rec­ord­ings from the State Radio. A high-qual­ity sound system and video pro­ject­or were pur­chas­ed for that pur­pose. The form of the ev­ents is sim­il­ar to the Summ­er Con­certs, on Tues­day nights, about an hour long, and with open café after­wards. Two sem­est­ers are plan­ned, aut­umn sem­est­er in Oct­ob­er and Nov­emb­er and wint­er/spring sem­est­er in Febr­uary to April.